My oldest daughter, who is almost 12, is quite a character. She really has developed a sense of humor and it is fun to joke with her because she understands words have different meanings and she can use them in a funny way. Here is an example...
Our family is trying a new approach to 'New Year's Resolutions' we have chosen a verse from scripture and are resolving to make it our theme of 2012. In my quiet time I felt led to the verse from Psalm 29:10-11. The verse speaks of God's faithfulness and control in our lives. I changed the verse a bit to fit our family so the verse reads...
The Lord sits over our home. The Lord is enthroned
as King forever. The Lord gives strength
to our family. The Lord blesses each
one of us with peace.
I have printed, framed and placed this verse in places throughout our home. One place is in my daughters bathroom. The day the frame was hung up she came out from the bathroom and said, "You know mom, that is an interesting verse to have in the bathroom." I replied, "Why is that?" My daughter, "Well, you know, cuz, you know, your on the 'throne' and the verse reads the King is enthroned. Get it?" I smiled and said, "Got it. I don't care how you remember it, I just want you to remember that the King is indeed enthroned over us...and that includes in the bathroom."
I think He may have looked like this at our conversation...
What have your children said to make you laugh recently?