Monday, July 30, 2012

Camp Re-cap

6 days have come and gone.  I read my last post and I have to laugh.  I mean really.  Who is the junior higher? Me or them?
Camp was wonderful! God is good all the time and all the time God is good! Allow me to share... 

Despite the lack of sleep. (Although, I am all for someone to invent a new mattress for camps to use.  One that is comfy, sterile, and doesn't sink to the wood plank.)  God gave me at least 5 hours of sleep to help get me through the 16 hour days.  2 AM walks to the bathroom.  Err, not so bad.  Sharing a shower with teen girls?  Well, as long as you can remind them of some basic 'rules' like pick up your own hair from the floor; it's all good after that.  While the coffee may not have been freshly brewed it was available often and early!  Thankfully camp offered a salad bar option at lunch and dinner so plenty of fruits and veggies!  Quiet time? Actually, yes!

Camp was a really sweet time to get to know these young ladies better.  I am glad I went.  The LORD did protect and keep me.  All for his glory!

 To give you a glimpse of my 6 days, I came up with my 5 Favorite Sayings while at camp.  ENJOY!

5.  While horseback riding my horse was bit by a horse fly.  To which one of my campers said to me, "Isn't it ironic that they are called horse flies"  Hmmm?
4.  "You mean if I am not going to eat it I shouldn't take it?"  While going through the line at dinner time.
3.  "Who took my ____________?" And after a few minutes, "Oh, never mind I found it." Buried in the suitcase...
2.  "What smells?" might be the stinky pond shoes, the wet musty towel, or your arm pits. 
1.  There is always that one camp song that gets into the head of campers.  This week was no exception.  "Whoo, Whoo, Whoo, you're everlasting love is reaching, reaching, reaching out to me..."

With a Smile,