Monday, May 21, 2012

Remembering When

Remember When...

Do you remember when we went to the American Girl Store when I was seven?
And going to the "Dora" show and getting the back pack?

Do you remember when we went to the Country Club for the
American Girl tea party? And when Maya was born I sat with you
to hold her?

Do you remember when we were at my conference in 3rd grade and Mrs. Rubel farted?
Making my sea turtle in 4th grade?
When you and the family came to my pre-school circus?

Do you remember when we went exploring together?
You came to my share day in Kindergarten?
The time we went to Madison to have 'the talk?'

These are the special memories I have of you.
Happy Mother's Day!

This is the poem I received from my 12 year old daughter, Peyton, on Mother's Day.
I cried when I read it.  I do remember all these times.(And many more!) 
It does my heart good to know that she does too and she holds them special. 

As a parent, I often find myself remembering the moments where I lost my temper and yelled or slammed a door.  Or the time I left a grocery cart, full of groceries, in the middle of the aisle because of a screaming toddler.  And, yes, the proverbial saying that every mother says through her clenched teeth, "JUST-WAIT-UNTIL-YOUR-FATHER-COMES-HOME!"  As if that ever helped my dear daughters stop the undesired behavior! Can you relate?

And then one day, out of the blue, you get a poem like this; that let's you know YOU HAVE made a difference despite the sinful nature in us.  That your child DOES remember and despite the fact that she rolls her eyes each time we tell her "NO" to a cell phone she still holds special memories of her and I.  That just makes me smile. BIG smile.

How was your Mother's Day? Any thoughts shared by your loved ones to make you feel like you've done the job right?

PS: Peyton peeked at this posted and said that I need to let her know how many 'likes' it got.  I had to remind her that this was a blog and not Facebook.  (LOL)


  1. Oh my goodness, yes! I always think the worst of myself and then find myself floored when my children see me as so much nicer!

  2. Oh how sweet! What a gift to have her remember so many wonderful things. That would definitely do my heart good!

  3. So fun to "see" what's in their heads and to be reminded that the good memories far outlast the bad ones. There's grace in that for mommies, isn't there? Have a great week.

  4. Tell Peyton, I am clicking "like". What a precius gift, those words. So good to know that the hard work of mothering does make a difference!

  5. We are neighbors at SDG. What a sweet poem! I often recall the bad moments too, so glad to know that the good times stand out in their memories. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I can relate-- remembering all my mistakes and failures is what I tend to do. What a gift from your daughter to treasure!
