Tuesday, April 24, 2012


A few months ago I was asked to speak to some lovely moms at a MOPS group.  (MOPS stands for Mothers of PreSchoolers)  The topic; how to make time for yourself.  A topic I find important but also still struggle to do myself.  God laid some great moments (in my life) and verses on my heart in preparation for this talk.  With His prompting and some great prayer warriors I was able to create an acronym that helps me take time for me and this became the focus of my talk.  I would like to briefly share it with you here.

It started with the thought from God about glue.  Yes, glue and I know it's strange.  I often feel like I am the glue that keeps my home and my family working together.  Think of the saying..."If Mama ain't happy, no one is."  That applies to me.  If I am out-of-whack it seems the rest of my family can quickly become out-of-whack too.  Then God showed me how He is my glue that keeps me together.  My time in his word or in worship help me to stick to truths and not lies.  This is how G.L.U.E came to be and this is how I work at making time for me.

G stand for God.  As I mentioned before spending time in His word or in worship help to keep our focus on things above and not earthly things.  (Col.3:5)   To allow for you time take the time to spend a few minutes each day in the bible or reading a devotional.  Pray, ask God for help in your day to day tasks.  Share your frustrations and ask for his wisdom.  Take time to thank and praise him for his gifts that he gives.  In giving Him a time of quiet; He gives me time in my day.

L is for Learn to Say NO.  I am sure you say no at least several times a day to your children...learn to say it for yourself.  Stop wasting time on things you don't really like or things that suck the life out of you.  It is ok to say no.  In learning to say no I find I have more time for the things I enjoy and that helps to make me a better mom and wife.

U stands for YOU!!!!  Understand the importance of you.  How much you are loved by a Heavenly Father, your spouse, your children and many others in your life.  To often we moms can feel insignificant because of our day to day live...i.e dipaering, meals, garbage, cleaning, traveling from soccer, to dance to soccer and home.  While all of those things are important, YOU, too, are important and learning to take care of YOU is important.  Adjust your priorites and make YOU a priority.

E is Enjoy.  Take in all that is around you and simply enjoy it.  I used the quote from Maya Angelou...

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take
but the moments that take our breath away."

Too often we can get caught up in the things of life and not the moments.  Moments like the freshly bathed baby smell, a child's belly laugh, a look from your spouse, the laughter with a good grilfrend. These take your breath away moments last far longer than the blinking light on my cell phone...these moments just plain feel good, so stop and take the time to enjoy them.

So there you have G.L.U.E...how I stick to God so he helps me stick to my family :)

How do you take time for you? Can you relate to any of the G.L.U.E acroymn?


  1. What a great acronym! It is hard as moms to take time for ourselves. I get so busy with all our craziness, I forget about what's really important. Thanks for this encouragement!

  2. I love the creative acronym; I think it is perfect, and easy for busy young moms to remember. I love that you had some prayer warriors praying for you and this talk. It sounds like God gave you the inspiration you needed, and it was an encouragement to the group.

    Welcome to blogging -- and nice to "meet" you!

  3. Hi, Sarah! Just stopping by to meet my new small group friend. And oh, how God has used your words today as a timely reminder. I could certainly use some glue in my life right now. So nice to meet you. Looking forward to getting to know you more through SDG.

  4. That acronym sure is a good reminder to have everyday. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Oh I love that! Very clever and so true. I definitely needed this reminder for this past weekend. Thank you!
