Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Remember the scene in Titanic?  The two crew mates are in the 'crows nest' looking for icebergs.  The one says "I can smell ice." The other gives him a stange look as if to say, "whatever." An iceberg is spotted but the Titanic hits it before the crew mates even get a breath of warning out.  The one then says, "Smell ice, can you?"

Our pastor recently gave an iceberg anology. He stated that people are kind of like icebergs.  You really only see the tip and the rest is under the surface.  So, can you smell ice? Do you know people really well to see what is under thier surface?

This anology on icebergs has me thinking about my daughter.  She is 9 and she is dramatic, loud, strong willed, passionate about justice, loves attention, loves Jesus, and asks some great questions about the world and the 'things' of it.  Unfortantely, she gets judged by her tip...the part of the ice people can see.  As a parent it makes me sad, frustrated, and down right angry at times.  I see the tip of her.  I hear about the tip of her.  I know what she is capable of.  I also know she is still growing.  She is still trying to figure out her place in this world.  She has a lot of maturing and growing up to do like many others around her.   

I often pray that others may see what I see underneath her tip.  I see a girl who once a week will ask to go to our elderly neighbors home so she can see how they are doing.  I see a girl who is not afraid to tell a friend that Jesus loves them.  I see a girl who stands up for others.  I see a girl who can pray in front of large groups.  I see a girl with courage in areas that make me shy.  I see a girl who cries at a video of children in Africa with no parents and no food.

You know what? God sees the whole iceberg. I like that.  That thought gives me comfort when I hear that she was yelling at school.   I like that God is reminding me daily that he is in control, not me, when it seems like her behavior isn't.  I like that He made me her mom because through her I can see faith like a child.

God has a plan for her tip, for her iceberg.  A plan to prosper her and not to harm her.  Her tip may not look good to others right now but someday I trust it will; because of His glory to make her the best iceberg she can be.

As a parent can you relate? What do you do when you feel like your child is being misjudged?   How about when it's you? 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pure Joy

I was hot. I was stinky. I was exhausted. It was a bittersweet ending to a fabulous clinic. I was living on God, adrenaline, and maybe a total of 7 hours of sleep over the last 4 days. 

I was serving on a medical mission in Peru and as we were wrapping up in worship with our Peruvian brothers and sisters, I wrote in my journal for January 28, 2010.  I couldn't wait to get back to the hotel to shower, relax, and Skype back home.  I really missed my girls and my husband and I wanted so much to talk to them before tomorrow came.  Tomorrow was my baptism and the reality of not having any family with me coupled with a lack of sleep were making me feel emotional and I really wanted to hear my hubby's voice of encouragement.

I had been baptized as an infant and I am grateful to my parents for their desire to have me know the Lord.  However, I wanted to re-commit and dedicate my life publicly to the Lord as an adult.  Since I love, love, love the ocean and Peru I was thrilled that God had given me this opportunity to publicly announce my faith like this; I jumped at the chance to be baptized and give a testimony of God's love and transformation in my life.

After my shower and dinner I was eager to hear from my family so I tried to Skype.  Nothing. I tried and tried again and nothing.  I was discouraged.  I didn't know where they could be.  I knew the schedule and they should be home after dance getting ready for bed! Sensing my discouragment a dear friend said I could use her cell phone to try.  I did and again nothing.  Feeling defeated I decided to call it a night and give it to God.  Up in the room I expressed my frustrations to my roomate and she was wonderful.  This young woman was engaged but her finace was miles away and she hadn't seen him in months.  She knew how important a phone call can be. How hearing a loved one's voice can bring encouragement.  I was grateful for her understanding at the time but also felt ridulious because I would be going home to see my hubby and she still needed to wait for hers to come home. 

The next morning (baptism morning) my roomate and I woke up late.  We had overslept our alarm and had missed breakfast.  We quickly began to get ready so we didn't miss our group devtional.  In the elevator ride to our group we talked briefly about last night and I thanked her again for her words of encoruagement.  I was still sad but also knew that I had lots of love and support in the group.  We arrived at the top floor, where the group meets, and heard them singing a praise and worship song.  Walking in everyone was standing in a circle so I just looked for the closest open chair.  I then noticed several smiling faces, so I smiled and waved back at them and started to join them in song.  I then saw our trip leader (and dear friend) pointing to his left.  I looked at him quizzcally.  I wasn't understanding his pointing finger at all.  He looked at me again and this time I looked at where his finger was pointing.  His finger was pointing at my husband! I immediately gasped and then started crying.  I couldn't even believe my eyes.  He was there! My best friend was there! He was in Peru! The room was now joining in our celebration.

That is why no one was home the night before.  He was in route to Peru.  The girls were at a friends home.  He was coming to be baptized with me. I was overwhelmed with joy. Pure joy. It is a day that I will alway hold dear to my heart...right next to the birth of our daughters. 

In my journal I wrote "Father God, I am amazed and humbled for the way you love and take care of me.  Just last night I was frustrated and angry and today total restoration.  I have been made new with the waters of baptism.  You have refreshed my soul with the suprise of Matt.  Praise, and glory and thanks are yours."

Pure Joy.

Do you have any pure joy stories?

Linking with Jen and the Ladies at Finding Heaven