Monday, June 18, 2012

Reflections and Blessings

In an earlier post I had shared a verse that my family is trying to use as a source of encouragement when life hands it's ups and downs.  It was our way of trying something new. Instead committing to a New Year's Resolution we are committing a verse to memory.  Here is the verse from Psalm 29:10-11...
The Lord sits over our home.
The Lord is enthroned
as King forever.
The Lord gives strength to our family.
The Lord blesses Matt, Sarah, Peyton and Maya with peace.
I recently had the chance to reflect on this verse and how it has helped in our lives.  Since it is 6 months into 2012 I went back to remember when we've see God's hand or cried for his help.
All is new when you start out the year.  Through birthday celebrations and a family Greek wedding, January certainly brought us God's peace and joy.
This month we were busy with Maya's ANNIE play, beating the doldrums of school, the winter blahs, and joyously welcomed our niece/cousin Catherine Faye into the world on leap day!  God sat in our home with wisdom and provisions that would have gone unnoticed if it weren't for this verse.
SPRING BREAK is on our mind!  Our annual trek to Florida with some dear friends proved to be well needed family time and enjoyment.  The Lord gave us strength and precious measures of blessings.
During this month Matt and I needed to be reminded of who sat over our home.  We went through some medical concerns with our daughter and needed to remember that God indeed has her best interest.  The end of the month brought the girls' dance recital where it is wonderful to watch the blessings that God has given them.
A difficult month.  A month filled with emotion and frustration.  In amidst of all that God was here.  He sat over our home for protection.  He was enthroned during difficult conversations and in the end gave us peace.
We are still working in June :)  but how awesome to see his work and to feel his love in our life.  No, it hasn't been easy and we certainly have had tears.  However, reflecting these last few month and using Psalm 29 to help shape our thoughts has brought joy and hope.

Take a moment and reflect on what God has done or is doing in your lives over the last few months.  I bet, like me, you will see how richly he blesses you and gives you peace.
With a Smile,

Linking with Jen and the great women of SDG


  1. Love how you logged where God's hand has been in your life! Great reflections. And I love the new look for your blog!

  2. I love how you substituted your names in at the end of that verse--what a great testimony to have this written and to share with your daughters.

  3. This is a great idea, I may neeed to borrow it. And I like your new place!

  4. Wow, isn't it powerful when we actually write down our reflections and look for the ways God has sat "enthroned over our home" (LOVE THAT THOUGHT.) Blessings to you and your sweet clan!
