Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Good Question

             "For a man who had all the answers, Jesus asked a lot of questions."
                                                                                                             Cathy Davison

I sometimes feel like I don't ask good questions when I am getting to know someone.  My questions usually have a yes or no response and that makes it hard to really generate a conversation with someone new.  In her book, Becoming a Woman of Influence, Carol Kent has an entire chapter devoted to asking good questions.  She cites the ways Jesus used questions to expose lies and reveal truth, exposed people's deepest longings, questions that help faith grow, and using questions in teachable moments.  I am practicing the 'art of asking questions' with the 7th grade girls I work with at youth group.  It takes practice, as it is easy to slip into a yes or no question mode, but when I intentionally slow down I am amazed at the information they share when I ask the right question.  I am learning about their dreams, hopes, fears, family life, and how they see their faith.

Here are some example question from the book. 

What is your best memory of your mother? Your father?
How do you celebrate Christmas?
What is one thing you would like to do before you die?
What keeps you from being as close to the Lord as you'd like to be?
What is one thing you would like to change in your spiritual life?
In what area of your life do you need advice?
What women (historical or contemporary) would you most like to emulate?
How can I pray for you?

These are just a few! No doubt, some great questions!

Here is a thought for you...take a few of these and ask a friend or someone you are trying to get to know better.  (Make sure you have an answer of your own to the questions).  See where the conversation goes. Can you ask the right question that will help someone open up? Will you gain valuable insight in that person's life? I sure hope you do!

After all, on our journey as Christ followers, we are called to share and called to influence those around us. (Think of 2 Corinthians 2:15..."For we are to God the aroma of Christ..")  In taking time to ask and think of the right questions we can learn about others with the hope of sharing how Christ's love has transformed our lives.  We can be intentional about our questions and intentionally influence lives of others.

What do you think? Are you up for the good question challenge?

Linking with Finding Heaven

1 comment:

  1. I have an old college friend who brings a book of 1000 questions with her whenever she gets together with people. I have always loved that so this past year I bought one of the same books. I love the discussion that comes about from good questions! They are pricelesss!
